Abbiamo degli zainetti della Loney Tunes. Offerta minima 10,00 euro. L’intero ricavato servirà a finanziare i 6 progetti a sostegno di bambini orfani, poveri o disagiati in varie località dell’India, dei quali si interessa da tempo la nostra Associazione. Il versamento dell’offerta potrà avvenire mediante bonifico bancario (deducibile fiscalmente) effettuato presso un’agenzia della Banca d’Alba …
From the Director’s Heart… Month of May is dedicated to Mother Mary. Don Bosco had a special love for her. He entrusted most of his works to her and she took care of them all. We too at Ashalayam paid homage to her and sought her help. This month has connected us with a few …
From Sister Lilly Dear Friends, First and foremost, we wish you a bright New Year and a happy Easter. May the risen Lord grant us peace, joy and prosperity throughout the New Year 2016. Hope all are enjoying good health. With immense joy and love, all the members of Holy Family Asha Niwas prepared themselves …
From the Director’s Heart… Month of April sets up fresh targets for us in the new fi-nancial year. New academic year too begins with it with new admissions in the schools. Children after their final exams move into new classes and try to adjust them-selves into a new settings with new classrooms, new books, new …
Heartquake 26 aprile 2015 Thank you very much for your kind concern. We are keeping fine though there were three big shakes yesterday and two shakes today. Children are frightened. Please continue to pray for the children. Love from all of us. Sincerely Fr. Swanoop and children in Ashalayam Lucknow 27 aprile 2015 Thank you …
Greetings from all the children at Ashalayam! Thanks for the note and loving concern. We are all safe in Delhi. Though there was a minor shake, nothing has happened to anyone. May God bless you With warm regards from all of us Father George 27 aprile 2015
Volume 4 / Issue 3 / April 2015 Don Bosco Ashalayam New Delhi / House of Hope / 1 MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear Friends, Affectionate greetings from all the children at Ashalayam! I do hope and pray that you are all keeping fine and enjoying good health. Here at Ashalayam children have …
Message From The Director Dear Friends, Cordial greetings from the staff and children at Ashalayam! I believe these few lines find you all in the best of health after a colourful celebration of the national festivities. As usual the children were eagerly waiting for these celebrations, gifts, bursting of crackers and of course relishing of …
Loving Greetings from Sr. Lilly Chirayath Dear Friends, The Almighty has done great things for us Holy is His name. We thank God for His unconditional love and protection especially for our children. They are the inspiration for our work. Birthday Celebrations: Every month we celebrate our children’s birthday to make them feel important and …
Sono rientrato da pochi giorni dal mio sesto viaggio in India, dove ho visitato i progetti sostenuti dalla nostra Associazione nella megalopoli di Delhi per rendermi conto e per poter aggiornare gli associati sull’andamento dei progetti stessi. Anche quest’anno ho visitato i due orfanotrofi “Holy Family” dove soggiornano le nostre ragazze, e ho avuto la …